We're currently trying to tuck into a bay at Great Keppel Island with 6 other cruising yachts eager to keep out of a southerly swell. Despite being on the north side of the island the swell is working its way around the corners. A couple of the yachts are using different techniques to stop them rolling around; one has his sail up, another has his boom out at 45 degrees with a weight holding it in place and we are attempting something else, running a second line from the back of the boat to the anchor chain to hold us into the swell. None of these methods seem to be working too well and we are all still rolling all over the place. No sundowners tonight as we are feeling too queasy.
Today we took the opportunity of getting onto terra

firma and exploring the island which has a resort, a couple of restaurants and some nice walking tracks. We walked through clouds of blue and black butterflies which seem to have all hatched at the same time - impossible to photograph. The tides here have a bigger range than in NSW with close to 4m between high and low and when we returned from our walk the dingy was 100 meters up the beach. Poor Dave had to drag it down to the water himself as my knee is still recovering.